CQR - Crystal Quantum Radio. Amulet is tuned to the Schumann Harmonic, the World-Sound made by radio waves emanating from the stars and the explosive force of the Big Bang at the moment of Creation. Never needs batteries or recharging, this Quantum Device is powered directly by radio waves from outer space.
People are excited about CQR (Crystal Quantum Radio) devices because it WORKS FOR THEM.
It makes sense. When you gain access to your alpha, delta and theta brain wave states you have a better, more creative, intuitional life with easier access to psychic abilities and inner harmony.
Would you like to be able to:
This is the book that explains it all. A definite good read for those seeking a deeper understanding of how this all works. more info...
People are finding that these amazing CQR devices are making all of this possible. The beta brain is simply not designed put all the science ducks in a row -- nailing down exactly HOW it works. Understanding comes from a deeper knowledge than the beta brain can access.
All that radio-wave cancellation, frequency transforms, and waveform nulling and so on is a bit much to understand... but then, no one can REALLY understand quantum mechanics either.
"Thank you again... for the most amazing products out there from someone who has tried everything on the market." -- Dennis B., New Jersey
"You guys seem like a very people oriented company, nice to have in Dark Times." -- Marc C., Canada
We invite you to you try it, see it working in your life, access levels of your life you've been hoping for. Isn't that what matters? Click here for an introduction to the CQR family of amulets.
Sometimes it seems like these CQR (Crystal Quantum Radio) devices might be a bit like a dash of homeopathy with a smidgeon of magic and a smear of future science all mixed in. Wonder what they would have said in the middle ages if you had shown them a movie on your iPhone of a man walking on the moon?
Tuned to the Schumann Harmonic
CQR Amulets are tuned to the Schumann Harmonic, the World-Sound made by radio waves emanating from the stars and the explosive force of the Big Bang at the moment of Creation. Never needs batteries or recharging, this Quantum Device is powered directly by radio waves from outer space.
They work for anyone who is willing to go through the door they open. CQR Amulets are an invitation into a better life filled with what you've been hoping for. A gentle invitation only requiring your cooperation and willingness to accept your true destiny.
People from every walk of life, young, old, different life styles, and different backgrounds speak freely about what their CQR Amulet has meant to them. More information....
There are dozens and dozens of CQR amulets, each specially designed to accomplish the dreamed of -- including many custom amulets created to fulfill special requests. If you can dream it, it becomes possible. More information....
The Select-o-matic is a fun tool we have built so that you can input any one of over a hundred different attributes, then determine which amulet is best for that attribute. More information....
Get in touch. Often the direct approach is best. We are here to help you through the processs. Whether it be a question about which amulet to get, or perhaps where to go next after you have been working with your amulet for awhile. We are happy to help. Contact us....
E.J. Gold's CQR Crystal Quantum Radio devices use vintage 1900s crystal radio technology to calm your busy brain and allow your natural spiritual, psychic and intuitive abilities to come through. Users report interesting results related to creativity, skills, prosperity, lucid dreaming, past lives recall, relationships, parallel worlds, paranormal activity, harmony, relaxation, intelligence, memory, and more.