Amulet Attributes

Alchemy:3, All encompassing:3, Aura enhancement:3, Awakening:3, Bardos:3, Beingness:3, Beta Blocker:5, Chakras:3, Charisma:3, Communication:3, Compassion:3, Confidence:3, Consciousness:3, Courage:3, Creative:3, Creativity:3, Death:5, Discipline:3, Dowsing:3, Dreaming:3, Dream walking:3, Dreamcatcher:3, Dying:5, Empathy:2, Empowerment:2, Energetic:3, Enhancement:3, Enlightenment:3, Essence:5, Eternal moment:2, Eternity:1, Face of God:3, Faith:1, Forgiveness:2, Fortune:3, Freedom:3, God is one:3, Grace of God:3, Gratitude:3, Guardian:5, Guide:3, Habits:2, Healer:3, Higher consciousness:3, Higher intelligence:3, Higher power:3, Higher self:3, Humble:3, Illusion:3, Infinite space:1, Inner beauty:1, Inner peace:1, Inner radiance:1, Integrity:1, Light of life:1, Love:3, Lucid dreaming:3, Luck:3, Magic:3, Magical:3, Mana:3, Manifesting:3, Mediumship:3, Metaphysical:3, Overcoming shyness:3, Overcoming fear:3, Parallel universe persona:5, Parallel worlds:5, Paranormal activity:3, Past life recall:3, Patience:3, Peace:3, Perseverance:3, Personal enhancement:3, Personal power:3, Presence:3, Protection:5, Pure love:2, Psychic:3, Psychic self-defense:3, Real will:3, Real Work:3, Reality:3, Rejuvenate:5, Relaxation:5, Replenish:5, Right action:3, Rite of Passage:3, Secure:3, Self-discipline:3, Self-esteem:3, Self-help:3, Self-remembering:3, Sensitivity:3, Sentient Beings:3, Shapeshifting:3, Sleep:3, Soul retrieval:5, Spirit:3, Spiritual:3, Spontaneity:3, Strength:3, Success:3, The Absolute:3, The Work:3, Theta enhancement:3, Transcend:3, Transformation:3, Truth:3, Tuner:3, Understanding:3, Universal:3, Visioning:3, Visualizing:3, Voyaging:3, Way of service:3, Wellness:3, Will:3, Wisdom:3, Work on self:3,

Black Diode

Price: $275.00

This amulet is temporarily out of stock -- (please) contact us for availability. You may use the contact form.

E.J. Gold made the Black Diode to assist with the Beacon Work. It is quite strong. This amulet has also been his choice to give to other teachers as gifts or his recommendation for anyone who just can't make up their mind which is best.

Based on reports and real life stories from people using the Black Diode CQR Amulet, you can expect:

  • Clear connection with higher existence
  • Increased intuition
  • Strong feeling of centeredness
  • Luck

Read what our satisfied customers have to say:

"In all the years that we have been playing in the fields of evolution, we have never seen devices like these. Absolutely everyone who puts one on feels it and wants one. Pretty awesome." -- Jan H., Santa Clara, CA

"I just wanted to let you know that I received the Black Diode Ammy 2 weeks ago, and I have been using it every day since then, with incredible results! Being a Theta Healing Practioner, using mostly theta and delta brainwaves through a meditational technique, I have found that whenever I wear the Black Diode Ammy, my connection with the Divine is crystal clear, which is a huge bonus and advantage." -- B.N., Norway

Have a question?

Give us a call (800 869-0658 / 530 271-2239).
[Or if you prefer, use our convenient contact form.]

Whether you have a question about a particular amulet, or would like some help trying to decide between the options, we have experienced folks available to answer your call. Our phone operators use the amulets themselves and have heard testimonials from hundreds of happy customers. They have the background and willingness to help. If you happen to call when the phones are busy please leave a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

See what others have to say:

everything is going well and the amulet is amazing, i never dreamt like these since i was a child and i have it every day at work, is just giving me the peace and balance of mind, i can menage every situation in a different calm way. unbelievable!!!! -- peace and love, lucia, italy

Have definitely noticed a change in my life in the last few weeks. I find I can go into that place of calmness more readily, in all kinds of situations, and generally I do not feel like the same person as before - in a good way. I have stepped outside of myself more somehow, less attached to the "Mary" of before. I continue to be amazed at how I discover solutions to issues/problems much more readily - in work and home life. I also have noticed I am getting things done better now, getting caught up! I am very grateful for this opportunity and for all this time E.J. Gold puts into doing this for us. --- Warm wishes, Mary D RN Nelson BC


Still have a few questions?

  • Check out some of our other amulets. We have dozens of CQRs to choose from. Look the selection over and come away with the amulet that is perfect for you.
  • Read the CQR story to learn more about these amazing amulets.
  • Give us a call (800 869-0658 / 530 271-2239). We'd be happy to answer your questions.

This is a really strong amulet- it really knocked me off when i put it on - it took me two days to get use to the strong dissolving effect it had on my betamind.

- its a really powerfull tool in all ways related to working with oneself and the truth. I feel this amulet is very balanced both activating the inner and the outer world - i think it influences other people within two to three meters of me if i have a direct contact with them - since wearing this amulet my perception in theta has increased a lot and i have very strong visons of a much greater depht than before, it seems to me that it reduces the betachatter in the brain a lot, at the same time i feel it melt structures in my body like butter on a warm day. Its kinda strong so it will most like bring out the chronic defense system into the open, which you wont mind if you like the truth.

i would recommend this amulet to anyone who is serious about staying on the right path - you might have to take it of for half an hour occasionally because the powerlevels can get too high. -- Peter, Denmark